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Labor Summer

Learn about the Central Valley's legacy in movement-building and develop your organizing skills!

The UC Merced Community and Labor Center is hosting its annual Labor Summer Internship this year. Labor Summer is a full-time, paid, eight-week program for undergraduate students, held during summer session B (Monday, June 16 to Friday, August 8, 2025).

In this internship, students will  learn the basics of community and labor organizing and be placed with social justice organizations where they will get hands-on experience building power with low-wage workers and residents!

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Submit an application here by Friday, March 7, 2025.

To sign up for an information session, please complete and submit this form selecting the date and time of your preferred session listed below. While we recommend registering in advance, walk-ins are also welcome. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email and reminders about the session. 

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